Friday, July 30, 2010

Which Group Is Right for My Child?

Southland offers two different type of group experiences for children ages preschool through 5th grade. Which one is right for you?

LIFE GROUPS are small groups for kids designed to help them find deep friendship, belonging and spiritual encouragement. In Life Groups, kids form relationships with a consistent adult Life Group Leader and with other kids their age. Life Groups do outside events together including both celebration times and service projects to help kids grow spiritually.

Fall Life Groups kick off Sept 18/19 weekend in all Children’s Ministry environments.
Children must be able to consistently attend the same worship hour to join a Life Group. Once an adult completes the registration card, children will be placed in a Life Group the following week. Registration cards are available in all Children's Ministry environments.

MAGNET GROUPS are small groups for guests and for families who do not typically attend the same service hour from week to week. Magnet Groups are designed to help connect less connected kids to the church and to Jesus. Kid in the Magnet Groups do the same activities and large group time as everyone else, but will not necessarily be with the same kids and leader. Magnet Groups require no previous registration or commitment.

BOTH GROUPS meet during our weekend worship service times at 5:30, p.m., Saturdays; 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m., Sundays. as part of the children’s worship service in their specific weekend environment.

1 comment:

  1. Do they meet every week? He lives with me one week and Dad one week and his dad does not attend Southland.
